Saturday, July 24, 2004

More drama than you can poke a stick at...

headphones://Outrageous (Josh Harris Mixshow Edit) - Britney Spears

Funny how my life can go from boring humdrum to Melrose Place all in the space of 24 hours. Take last night for instance. I went out with some friends who I hadn't seen in quite some time. We went to a club, had a few drinks, had a dance and generally had a merry old time. I met a guy on the dancefloor - as if that couldn't be any more cliche. We got talking a little while after and it appeared that we had a lot in common. He was very easy to talk to, cute, down to earth...and he lives INTERSTATE!

Life is so unfair.

The tail end of the night got kinda messy, in a dramatic way that didn't really involve me. Two of my friends, a couple, have an extremely volatile relationship. Mostly due to the fact that the guy, Daniel, is extremely volatile himself. When he's cruise-y, he's lots of fun to be around, but watch out when he gets into a mood. He's not a hardcore drug user but he's the poster child for a-little-too-much-recreational-use, you can bet your bottom dollar his current head state has a lot to do with this. Basically this dude is totally unstable and the relationship he's in is not healthy for him or the girl he's with. It's really sad to watch. They have massive arguments on a World War-scale, and then hug, kiss and make-up all within the space of two hours.

I've tried to intervene before, offering Sam advice. I told her the relationship was unhealthy and she took this to Daniel, and he wasn't impressed. I couldn't be pissed off with Sam because I don't think she did it, rather, does it, intentionally. She was using what I said as ammunition against Daniel and it got me caught in the middle. Not pleasant.

Last night was a revelation to me, I saw the true extent of Daniel's instability. He's possessive and manipulative. He'll go cold and then explode on Sam and it's just totally twisted. I talked to her tonight and she is still with him... Quite amazing considering the state she was in this morning.

I'll never get it, and I don't want to. Despite all of it, Daniel and Sam are fun people to be around, when it's all calm. But being caught as a bystander is really unnerving.

Another reason I can't wait to leave this place. I can distance myself from certain people, but even if I visit places, I'm reminded of happenings that took place and they bring with them unpleasant associations. Like ghosts of memories.


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